What it means for you.

A ‘Check details’ button will show when you:  

  • Add a new person or business to pay 
  • Make a one-off payment or  
  • Edit an existing payee.

If there is no ‘Check details’ button, you may need to update your app. For more go to How do I update the Westpac One® online banking app?

How it works.

  • We’ll check the name you’ve entered (the payee name) and number against the account holder name and number of the bank account you’re paying into.
  • We’ll tell you whether it matches, then you can decide whether to go ahead with the payment. 
  • You might not be able to recover a payment that has gone to the wrong account.

What the match results mean.

Here's a step by step guide


The name and account number match the bank records for the account you’re paying into. 

Partial match

The name you’ve entered is not an exact match for the one on the account number.  

- There could be a typo or it could be a short version of the full name

- Only go ahead if you’re sure the details are correct  

Not a match

The name you’ve entered doesn’t match the account number.

- Check the details and make sure you trust the payee.

- To go ahead, confirm you understand the risk.

Can't check account details

The account you’re paying into doesn’t provide the service or the bank can’t confirm the account details. 

Only go ahead if you’re sure the account number is correct. 

Account may not exist

The bank you’re paying into can’t confirm if the account exists. 

- Check the account number is correct.

- To go ahead, confirm you understand the risk.

Can't check account details right now

There is a technical issue at the moment.

Only go ahead if you’re sure the account number is correct, or try again later.

Which name it checks.

What it doesn't check.

The Confirmation of Payee service is one of many safeguards Westpac and other New Zealand banks use to combat scams. We also monitor fraud trends 24/7, use technology to detect fraud and work with other organisations to help to prevent scams.  

The service only checks new or changed Westpac One payees. It won’t check: 

  • New payments to payees already set up in Westpac One 
  • Existing automatic payments
  • Direct debits 
  • Registered bill payees  (businesses you can pay from a drop-down menu in digital banking)
  • Debit or EFTPOS card payments
  • Credit card payments  
  • Third party service provider payments (API Centre members and others)
  • International payments     
  • Payments you make through phone banking
  • Payments we make for you when you call us or come into a branch.

If your business uses Westpac One Business, Business Online or Corporate Online digital banking, or other speciality platforms your outgoing payments won’t be checked as the service will only be available in Westpac One.

Stay scam savvy.

You’ll still need to watch out for scams, learn how to avoid them and get help as soon as you can if you think you’ve been scammed. 

  • Payments you make or authorise yourself are generally not considered fraudulent. It’s likely that you will be liable for any losses incurred and it can be difficult to recover the money once you’ve made a payment. 
  • Scammers may target you while this service is being rolled out.  If someone calls you about this service, says they are from Westpac and asks for account details, hang up and call us on 0800 400 600. If you have vulnerable friends or family members, please let them know to watch out.  For more on scams check out our scams hub.

Your privacy is protected

The service is managed by GetVerified and meets high data security standards to match account holder names and bank account numbers with other New Zealand banks.

More on Confirmation of Payee.

If you have any other questions, we’re here to help. Call us weekdays 7am to 8pm and weekends 8am to 5pm on 0800 400 600, or if you deal with a specialist call us weekdays 8.30am to 5pm:  

  • Agribusiness 0800 500 655 
  • Business Banking 0800 288 101  
  • Corporate Banking 0800 500 655 
  • Institutional and Government Banking 0800 221 082