CoGo users axe meat from diet to lower carbon footprint

One-in-six CoGo users adopted a vegan or vegetarian diet since its UK launch in May.

New Zealand’s 20 most-needed jobs in COVID recovery

Healthcare is New Zealand’s most in-demand industry post COVID.

The Hotel Britomart review: Inside New Zealand’s first 5 Green Star hotel

New Zealand’s most eco-friendly hotel has just opened its doors in Auckland central.

How to finance a renovation

Adding value with a renovation isn’t 100% guaranteed, experts warn.

Woman gives birth in Westpac Rescue Helicopter en route to hospital

The Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter was called out to Waiheke Island.

Money stress causing relationship problems for 1 in 5 New Zealanders

One in five people report relationship problems due to financial concerns.

Renovating on a budget: $5k, $10k, $50k or$100k

Renovating is expensive, but it can be a fantastic use of your money.

Motor experts’ advice on buying second-hand cars

REDnews spoke to the experts to get their top tips on second-hand car shopping.

Online platform teaches financial literacy and career development to kids

Teaching financial literacy and supporting career development is the backbone of MyMahi.

10 cool things you can do with your phone

Your phone may be capable of doing things you had no idea about.

Cost-effective Kitchen Renovations

The kitchen is the heart of the home – and the biggest line item on your renovation budget.

Q&A with Managing Your Money Facilitator Santana Maihi

Santana Maihi is a Relationship Consultant at Westpac and volunteers to teach money skills.