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Things you should know.

1 Service fees still apply, for example: clearance fees. Refer to the Transaction and Service Fees brochure for details (also available free of charge from any Westpac branch).

2 You can earn bonus interest as long as on the last day of the month your balance is $20 greater that the last day of the month prior. The $20 excludes interest earned on the account and/or Westpac fees charged to the account. 

3 The Effective Return is the rate you would need to receive from a regular savings account in order to achieve the same after tax return from your Notice Saver, based on a PIR of 28% and an income tax rate of either 30%, 33% or 39%.

"Rate" and "Rates" refer to (a) interest rates for the Simple Saver and Westpac Bonus Saver accounts; and (b) the rate of return for Westpac Bonus Saver PIE and Notice Saver. Interest rates are subject to change. 

Westpac Bonus Saver PIE is offered under the Westpac Cash PIE Fund and Notice Saver is offered under the Westpac Notice Saver PIE Fund. Investments made in the Westpac Cash PIE Fund and/or the Westpac Notice Saver PIE Fund (each a "Fund” and together the "Funds") do not represent bank deposits or liabilities of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141, Westpac New Zealand Limited (“Westpac NZ”) or any other member of the Westpac group of companies. They are subject to investment and other risks, including possible delays in payment of withdrawal amounts in some circumstances, and loss of investment value, including principal invested. None of BT Funds Management (NZ) Limited (as manager), any member of the Westpac group of companies, Trustees Executors Limited (as trustee), or any director or nominee of any of those entities guarantees the Funds’ performance, returns or repayment of capital. Any rates of return are subject to change without notice.

You can get more information and free copies of the Disclosure Statement for Westpac NZ here and the term sheet for the Funds here or from any Westpac branch.

This material is provided for information purposes only and is not a recommendation or opinion in relation to any term investment products.