Organisations to notify.


  • Energy companies - gas, electricity
  • Telecommunications - landline or mobile phone, internet connection
  • Council - rates, water rates
  • Other bills - medical expenses, Sky TV, rent, gardener, magazine/newspaper subscriptions
  • Other memberships - gym, hobbies.


  • Funeral policy
  • KiwiSaver provider
  • Life insurance provider
  • Home / contents / boat / motor vehicle insurance provider
  • Personal loan insurance provider
  • Income protection insurance provider
  • Business insurance provider
  • Credit card insurance provider.

General advice

Te Hokinga ā Wairua End of Life Service

A website run by the New Zealand Government with useful next steps information

New Zealand Funeral Directors Association

The NZ Department of Internal Affairs; Births, Deaths and Marriages

New Zealand Law Society

Citizens Advice Bureau

The Public Trust

Work and Income (WINZ)

If you require assistance with a funeral grant or if NZ Super or any benefit was being received

  • Website:
  • General enquires – deceased under 65
  • Freephone: 0800 559 009
  • General enquires – deceased over 65
  • Freephone: 0800 552 002
  • Phone +64 4 978 1180


1737 is a government funded tele health service. They’re there for support if you’re feeling stressed or just need someone to talk to.

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