
Past performance.

Fund name 
1 Year   3 Years 5 Years  10 Years
Westpac Active Series Conservative Fund 6.56% 2.20% 2.38% 3.40%

Past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance.2

What this fund invests in.

The Westpac Active Series Conservative Fund is made up of:

80% Income assets:

  • Cash and fixed interest or bonds. They’re a lower risk option for investors but typically have smaller or more stable returns.

20% Growth assets:

  • Equities or shares and listed property. They’re a higher risk option for investors but have the potential to generate greater returns.

Target asset allocation

Westpac Active Series Conservative Fund Asset Allocation

80% Income Assets

20% Growth Assets

40% International fixed interest

13% International equities

27% NZ fixed interest

5% Australasian equities

13% Cash and cash equivalents

2% Listed property

Top 10 investments.

  Name % of fund net assets Country
1 US 5YR Note 1.31% United States of America
2 US 2YR Note 1.22% United States of America
3 NZ Government Bond 5% 15/05/2054 1.17% New Zealand
4 NZ Government Bond 4.25% 15/05/2034 1.04% New Zealand
5 Euro Schatz Future 1.01% Germany
6 NZ Government Bond 3.5% 14/04/2033 1.00% New Zealand
7 NZ Government Bond 2.75% 15/04/2037 0.98% New Zealand
8 US Long Bond Future 0.96% United States of America
9 NZ Government Inflation Index Bond 2.5% 20/09/2035 0.82% New Zealand
10 NZ Government Bond 4.5% 15/05/2035 0.81% New Zealand

As at 31 December 2024. For more information on the top 10 investments see the Westpac Active Series Fund Updates. The top 10 investments make up 10.32% of the net asset value of the fund9.

What we don't invest in.

Our exclusions are one of the four guiding pillars to our sustainable investment approach. Our policy is to exclude:

Minimum social safeguards Companies and other issuers in breach of human rights, labour protection and environmental principles in line with the UN Global Compact4.
Controversial and other weapons Companies involved in the manufacturing of controversial weapons, or the provision of components or services that are considered tailor-made and/or essential for the lethal use of the weapon. Companies that derive any revenue from manufacturing and selling assault weapons to civilians.
Fossil fuels Companies that have their primary business activity in the oil and gas drilling, oil and gas equipment and services, integrated oil and gas, oil and gas exploration and production5 or where more than 10% of its revenue is derived from oil and gas exploration, production, or refining (including Arctic exploration, oil sands extraction, and shale energy exploration, extraction and/or production).
Coal mining and production Companies that have their primary business activity in the coal and consumable fuels subindustries5 or which derive more than 10% of its revenue from the extraction of thermal coal6.
Coal electricity generation Companies that derive more than 50% of their revenue from generating electricity from thermal coal.
Whale meat Companies that derive any revenue from the processing of whale meat.
Tobacco Companies deriving any revenue from the manufacture of tobacco products or companies that distribute their own label tobacco products.
Predatory lending Companies that derive any revenue from predatory lending practices7.

Read more about the investment exclusions above, our other exclusions and our sustainable investment approach as one of New Zealand’s Responsible Investment Leaders, recognised by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA)8 in 2022, 2023 and again in 2024.


Next steps.

Apply to invest

Download and complete the form at the end of the Product Disclosure Statement. Return it to us by mail or drop it into any Westpac branch. Or speak to your custodial service provider.

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Things you should know.

1 Fee The annual fund charge is based on the balance you have invested in a fund and is subject to change.

2 Return After deducting the annual fund charges but before tax to 30 September 2024. Returns for periods longer than one year have been calculated on an average annual return basis. Past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance. Returns for any fund will vary and may be negative at times, which means your balance can be less than what you invested.

Risk Indicates how much the relevant Westpac Active Series fund might go up and down in value (i.e. amount of volatility). With more risk comes the potential for greater returns over time. Find out more about how the risk indictor is calculated in the Product Disclosure Statement for the Westpac Active Series.

4 When determining not to invest in a company breaching these principles, we assess the data from our ESG research provider(s), the underlying investment manager’s views and the effectiveness of their stewardship strategies with the company. We may choose to take additional time to divest while we review these factors.

5 As determined by the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS).

6 For the avoidance of doubt, this exclusion does not apply to the extraction of coking coal, which is used in steel production.

7 Predatory lending refers to unfair, deceptive or fraudulent lending practices during the loan origination process.

The Responsible Investment Certification Program does not constitute financial product advice. Neither the Certification Symbol nor RIAA recommends to any person that any financial product is a suitable investment or that returns are guaranteed. Appropriate professional advice should be sought prior to making an investment decision. RIAA does not hold a Financial Advice Provider licence.

9 The top 10 investments have been calculated excluding cash and cash equivalents held for operational and hedging purposes.

The material on this website is provided for general purposes only and is not a recommendation or opinion in relation to the Westpac Active Series. You should not rely solely on the information on this website.

BT Funds Management (NZ) Limited is the issuer and manager, and Westpac New Zealand Limited is a distributor, of the Westpac Active Series (Scheme).

Investments made in the Scheme do not represent bank deposits or other liabilities of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141, Westpac New Zealand Limited or other members of the Westpac Group of companies. They are subject to investment and other risks, including possible delays in payment of withdrawal amounts in some circumstances, and loss of investment value, including principal invested. None of BT Funds Management (NZ) Limited (as manager), any member of the Westpac Group of companies, The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited (as supervisor), or any director or nominee of any of those entities, or any other person guarantees the Scheme's performance, returns or repayment of capital.

You can get a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement for the Westpac Active Series here or from any Westpac Financial Adviser.