Have a chat with us today.

Drop us a line on 0800 500 655, and we'll put you in touch with a local specialist in your region.

Or you can contact your Area Manager:

Upper North Island - Northland, Auckland and Waikato regions
Stuart Fraser
Mob: 021 713 792

Eastern North Island - Bay of Plenty, Central Plateau, Gisborne and Hawkes Bay regions
Jacqui Hammond
Mob: 021 715 253

Central New Zealand - Taranaki, Manawatu - Whanganui, Wellington, Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough and West Coast regions
Richard Borrell
Mob: 027 687 9320

Canterbury - North, South, Central and Mid-Canterbury regions
Tyler Koning
Mob: 021 713 695

Southland - The Otago and Southland regions
Garth Devereux
Mob: 027 495 8046

How agribusiness managers can help.

Find out more about our approach and how we could fine tune your finances.

Agribusiness call back request form.

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Things you should know.

Eligibility criteria and lending criteria, terms and conditions and fees and charges apply to Westpac products and services. An establishment fee may also apply.